NASSH Timeline
Marvin Eyler, who later successfully administers the creation of NASSH, receives his PhD under a “sport historian,” Seward Staley, at University Illinois.Marvin Eyler and Staley discuss potential sport history organization.Seward is instrumental in creating section National College Physical Education Association for Men (NCPEAM).Max Howell, future NASSH president, becomes professor Alberta, Canadian institution that then turns out number early historians. He continues next eleven years Alberta until moving to San Diego.Guy Lewis, graduate student Maryland, first thinks about “Society Sport Historians,” while taking seminar from Carl Bode, American studies English.AprilBruce Bennett Ohio State appointed historian Health, Recreation (AAHPER), which does not include physical education sport.July 30Guy Lewis completes Maryland Eyler.January 17Guy now Penn State, outlines society historians idea former advisor Eyler. This would an executive office, publications (including journal), conventions, membership, Sports Library, international federation.February 22Seward tells Guy he has “grand project” organization “push ahead with this ”project.”Earle Zeigler, Illinois, responds concerned group might be another splinter by “slicing baloney too thin” among researchers education.March sets up meeting AAHPER organization. Only three people attend. Another scheduled March 20, but only four show up: (Maryland), (Penn State), Ace Moore (Illinois), (Illinois).AprilBruce asked hold its convention see how many individuals are interested education. Over sixty attend.November calls those meet annual Historical (AHA) 1967.The creates specific History section.AprilBruce convenes history, featuring have written histories education, including himself, Mabel Lee, Deobold Van Dalen, Arthur Weston.SpringThe First International Seminar convened Uriel Simri Wingate Institute Israel, Bruce attending representing AAHPER.The section.February 12Guy again proposes AHA.AprilThe official on held conference Boston. John Betts, cultural Boston College, featured speaker, suggested Lewis.Guy organizes bus tour important sites following 1969 The includes Springfield YMCA; Smith College; NBA Hall Fame Museum; Round Hill School, reads recent article; Amherst Mount Holyoke.Alan Metcalfe, Windsor, establishes journal Journal (CJHSPE).MarchBruce Seymour Kleinman organize Big Ten Symposium Columbus. presenter Betts.November 24Alan Metcalfe offers make CJHSPE rather than two journals.December 2Marvin sends memorandum NCPEAM members raising six questions discussed special session January 10, 1972, formation separate A major question “Should we provide proper locus reading research done area?” earliest promoter independent had dissertation administrative help setting meeting.December 28Guy Jack Berryman, Alan Mallea present papers as social AHA New York City.January 10NASSH formed Orleans, forty-two Americans one (Alan Metcalfe) chaired vote form passed abstentions. select Steering Committee oversee formal establishment NASSH.February 8An eleven-person Steeering It consists (Ohio State); Thomas Davis (Boston College); Kevin Jones (York University); (Massachusetts); Lucas (Maryland); Betty McCue (Oregon); Mary Lou Remley (Wisconsin); (Windsor); Ron Richard Wettan (Queens College).March 7Marvin draft proposed Constitution Committee.May 1–3NASSH formalized meets Second Education, Ontario, led Metcalfe.June 15Marvin third Committee.NovemberMarvin opposes publication time because believes there inadequate quality articles subject.January 6The second conference. formally adopts constitution when voted Lucas, Smith, Ric Wettan. Six committees established—budget, constitution, nominations, program, site.The seal, “Runner Torch,” accepted fifth BCE artifact Villa Guila Museum Rome. reproduced photo Max offered seal Smith.The names honor addresses Howell.The decides publish proceedings abstract form.The votes Archives repository NASSH.The makes president-elect representative Council (ICPES).The conference.May 24–27The management Bennett, eighty-two attendance.May 24The unanimously History, after three-page proposal do so was discussed.Tape recording meetings started Secretary-Treasurer Book Display sixty-six books shown, procured precedent half-century.May 25Marvin elected president acclimation.Ellen Gerber, Massachusetts, moves refereed “dispatch.”The officers President H. President-Elect M. Ronald A. Editor Members-at-Large L. F. (Oregon), (Wisconsin).The awards presented Edwin B. Henderson C. Staley. Both receive Honorary award.May 26To encourage involvement conference.December 31NASSH institutional (libraries), reaches 221. NASSH's fund balance $403.79.March 30Jack attends “Specialized Societies Affiliated Groups” Washington, DC.MayThe issue published editorship Windsor.May 9–12The Annual Conference Canada Western London, Bob Barney manager.May 9Marvin operating codes drawn chair each standing committee 1975.Guy honors society, Circulus Honortorum (Praeclarus). down business whose believe elitist. Of approximately fifty-five present, seven favor.April 16–19NASSH group, Organization Historians, Boston.April 16The rejects any affiliation groups, principally aimed European (HISPA) Science (ICSPE), considered cold war groups pushing their own political agendas history.Honor Krout, book, Robert W. Henderson, researcher exposed Abner Doubleday myth.FallThe Directory Scholars completed Berryman.December individual membership recorded Canada-37, Mexico-0, United States-270, non-North American-16.June 15NASSH expand JSH issues per year.The pay expenses non-NASSH if they chosen speakers Distinguished Lectures.The archival material permanent collection Archives.May 17The announces election woman Remley, Wisconsin.Marv draw incorporation NASSH.After several discussion, Affiliations urges consider periodic subdisciplinary societies. No action ensues.May 19It announced will conclude end year. Berryman succeed Metcalfe.May 20NASSH charge commercial units $100 reprinting articles.May 23The recommends should incorporated state Maryland.November 29NASSH Domestic Non-Stock Corporation Maryland.May 29The determines that, future, ties elections settled Nominations Committee.The council discusses proliferation sporting associations possibility joint meetings, desire without other dominates discussion.May 30The non–North person Roland Renson Belgium.May 31The Publications Board investigates publishing text high-school students.JulyThe published, edited Berryman.May 26A Finance created determine best investments savings, over $12,000 point.May 22The supports Future Directions Report outstanding book award recommendation Board. given every years.May possible ventures, previously opposed council, selling through booths convention.May 27When Tom Jable Don Mrozek tie president-elect, broken silver-dollar-coin toss Jable's favor.May 29A lengthy discussion ensues whether organizations emphasizing philosophy, sociology, anthropology, literature, baseball researchers.Incoming notes some interest spending money projects such sponsorship sport-history film guide, sponsoring topic, guide study history.May essay competition students.NASSH create bibliography films direction Judith Davidson.MaySteve Reiss editor non–physical educator, Dick Crepeau, president-elect.The ban smoking during presentations.The defeats motion give stipend $2,000, no positions stipend.May Council, conservative investing move checking account certificates deposit.The $2,500 assistant complete Davidson.The Publication triennial article.May biannually.The 4–3 article keep Lectures, Betts Lecture Graduate Student Essay.A re-creation 1850s game between Ramblers Muffins results 6–6 tie.May 25The implement changing Essay 1988 conference.Clarence E. Forbes, ancient Greece, honorary 20The Award new English, selected five, prize $500.When raises reserve deposit, opposes, choosing route.The send “observer,” “representative,” attend interorganizational sponsored Higher Alliance Recreation, Dance, September 1988, Maryland.The approve award, awarded 21Hal Ray, photographer years, gives “A Fifteen Year Retrospective,” showing 153 slides previous meetings.May code Lectures Committtee conference, remaining feature.May 26The join Exercise/Sport Network, NASPEHE, promote cross-disciplinary research.The biannual article.The longer final banquet.May 28The past presidents become ex-officio nonvoting Council.May establish awards: Service (meritorious work society) Recognition (promoters generally).The Necrology “In Memoria” pieces Proceedings.The shows concern lateness affecting both journal.May Australian Society (ASSH) 1993 Ian Jobling Queens Australia.May 27Appointing member meeting.May cancels Article choice concludes it “untenable.”After $50,000 agrees 50 percent amount invested higher-performing instruments. appointed.The offer yearly.Joe Arbena editor.Dick Crepeau suggests all specifically invited 25A straw indicates campus or combination hotel, just hotels.January 3–7The AASH-NASSH Queen Kapiolani Hotel Hawaii organizer.May Literature Albuquerque conference.The bringing voice into affairs.The 6–0 1994 Ft. Collins, Colorado, constitution's stance opposing LGB protection.May raised address Colorado constitution. site Saskatchawan.A representation occurs 2–3 granting Council.Revised by-laws 1994.May 27Following death Reet renames Maxwell Howell Address Address.The support editor's request $3,000 yearly payment course release editor.The voting rights.The delayed brought date, hoped, 1995.May 26Accommodations off-shore, slightly, board Long Beach, California.An endowment $23,000 Fidelity Investments “Equaity-Income II” fund. investment funds equities CDs.The university press.The Technology Committee.David Wiggins 1, 1997.May diversification savings CDs.May 23An report yearly.The registration fees half regular fees.An annonymous donor cover Roberta Park Fund Students.The website.May told surplus been placed Investment fund, Puritan Fund.The J. Endowment Students established 31Total wealth grows $100,000 time.May 23With McGehee, Watterson, funds, Equity Income II Puritan, excess money. distributed, five students giving paper.The conduct fall spring agees affiliate status AHA, Association, appropriate organizations.May aside $2,000 maintenance website.The allow Amateur Athletic Foundation Los Angeles (LA84) back fee $3,000, lag JSH. renegotiated ten years.The designated overseas conferences.May Mexican citizen Karel Wendl, also Czech Republic.May 21The website part Universisty site——under leadership Scott Martyn.The addition address.May made PowerPoint available 30A eligiblity offices NASSH.May eligible office society.The requiring able conferences.The considers problems timely billing costs.The Mel Adelman editor.A making secretary-treasurer paid position.May 28By 51–4 vote, granted full holding US Memorial Day weekend again.The lower meeting.April 19Thomson-Shore Dexter, Michigan, print issue.May Council's general consensus secretary-treasurer's position remain unpaid position, like voluntary council's paper online put off sexual harrassment statement.May Website Committees merged Information Committee.Publishing electronic format postponed. bad timing away printed copy year behind publishing.President Allen Guttmann write 23Secretary-Treasurer reports may having negative effect library memberships.May statement meeting.The outside North America papers.May wages.The (ISHPES) holds NASSH.A collection, Council.OctoberJody Davenport, attended since 1973, dies.May 27Student presentations all-time high, thirty-six receiving funds.The get schedule.The publisher, Routledge Publishing, council.The require 4–2–2 “no,” 2–6, biography award.Mark Dyreson begins program interviewing 29Larry Gerlach press save hiring managing editor.DecemberRoutledge Publishers Taylor Frances Group Kingdom publisher History. comes conflict contract LA84, begun 1999 produce copies proceedings.December greater $200,000.May noted Jable, interim JSH, trying smooth transition Wray Vamplew.Tara Magdalinski leads external Human Kinetics, Sage, & Francis (Routledge), Illinois. “Viability Commercial Publisher Publications” distributed council. proceedings.The 5–4 asks publishers opportunity proposals.The pursue proceedings.April 26NASSH liscensing agreement Project MUSE Johns Hopkins Press (JHUP) providing e-journals subscribers share JHUP royalties accruing project.May grant $6,000 editorial assistantship Vamplew.The formats.LA84’s extended 2013 $4,000 Council.MUSE putting online.An ad-hoc review formed, numerous debated.A “best year” returned further development.The informed differences Routledge's original April 2007 contract.NASSH extends LA84 digital $4,000.May progress being time.The negotiations 3–2 “no real continuing negotiation Routledge.” drop Kinetics.The continue JSH.December financial crisis States drops $244,000 $157,000.May MUSE, EBSCO Host, ProQuest pursuing e-journal full-text JSH.The visibility.The increase Stirling $8,000 use Vamplew editor.Jerry Gems 24A credit-card system operation.Alison Wrynn associate three-year term. She paying more recipents Awards generated place website.A website, old, user friendly.The electronically Muse (contract signed 2009) June 2010.The Jody Davenport continued Jerry ends her death.May 30It 2010 time, decade.May 27The go elections.The outlined six, particularly focused separating positions.June 1It reported revenues income lost due membership.The must conference.June 3It Alison separation official.May recommend secretary treasurer, treasurer appointments made.May editor, webmaster, secretary, treasurer.May 26Bob presents paper, “Pre-Historic Evolution Our Society,” forty-first Saint Mary's University, Halifax, Nova Scotia.October 1Guy driving force founding dies Columbia, South Carolina.December 31Savings holdings $300,000.May estate Joseph gave guidelines Research Fund. contribue $17,000 fund.The recommending treasuser eight Council: Jaime Schultz State) Hunt (Texas).The direct compensation JSH: California, Nebraska, Routledge, Illinois recommended. agrees. Negotiations follow.The professional planner council.June 1The Murray Phillips editor.October (UIP) agree UIP JSH.May lack citation rates.The extraordinary expenses.The diversity scholarship relative race ethnicity waiving fee.Another council.A restrospective Georgia Tech two-day 2018, result 23A Legacy approved.A Diversity Scholarship created.The Joe Latin Grant scholarships $1,000 history.A Dissertation Travel approved possibly split individuals.A public name logo Washington football team resolution.May $5,000 2017 pre-conference.The winner Emmanuel Macedo California Fullerton.The Michael Wood Alabama.The winners divided ways: Johanna Mellis, Florida; Adam Berg, State; Dain TePoel, Iowa.May language condemning racialized naming teams mascots.May 2018 pre-conference workshop.The suggestion planning receipient.May 27It Maureen assume role passes resolution oppose sports mascots, abstentions.December $400,000.May 25NASSH livestreams plenary session.An charged examining ethical procedures.The were Awards.The charges IT developing Scholars.May 26Kim Scott, formerly Kinetics Publishers, manager, two-year agreement.November 29It thus renamed Sue service within NASSH.October 3NASSH Iowa 2019 canceled law discriminating against LGBTQ people. unanimous prevent taxpayer-funded travel Iowa. change discriminatory states, 1993.March May Chicago coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.December reach $500,000.May 24Membership approves remuneration staff, well technology coordinator.May 28–31The virtual held, 2020 $600,000.SpringA historical published.
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عنوان ژورنال: Journal of Sport History
سال: 2021
ISSN: ['2155-8450', '0094-1700']